I wanted to keep track of the things that I changed/added/took away from the site as I learned coding and fiddled with stuff, so here we are lol

August 24 2024 - wow ..3 months no progress on my little site ;_; I'm on here now because i needed to add a link to the shirt i'm currently selling . i put the url to this site on some trading cards that i'm going to hand out to strangers that answer my question (sound like a real goblin here lol) but i thought it would be good for not only the site to have a route to the shirts but also headers for the buttons i have on my connect page . i was looking at my site on my phone (do not recommend) and wondered if someone didn't know those were buttons that lead to links, would they tap on them at all ? so we'll see how some little headers might look in between them . will be getting to work on that now and come back here when it's doneeee

- put a little blurb on the connect page to let ppl know they can click or tap on the icons, didn't want to bother making one for each individual icon, i also barely remember how to do html anymore and i'm sad LOL ..gotta practice more !!

- got the main page all set up to lead people to my shirt ! and added a cute pic of the cards i'm giving out, had to remember how to resize images to make them fit in the thingy lol-it'll look fine on desktop but might be wonky on mobile like most of the images on here lmaoo . this will only be here until sept 4th, then everything will revert back to normal stuffs

and as promised, here's some pics of my art studio-her name is Stustu n.n

May 14 2024 - AAAAAAGGHHGHHHGGH I'M ALIVEEEEEE !!! i had been away from my laptop for TWENTY DAYS !! after, you know, always having it with me everyday lol . the screen is still messed up/backlight messed up but i can finally open and close it like normal; i had a bad hinge problem . unfortunately (but i'm hoping to make it fortunately lol) when they had to change the top part of my laptop, that meant i lost all my stickers that i had on the front of it QAQ it was nice of them to not recycle the part so i still have it in my studio as like, decoration . OMG I GOTTA SHOW YOU GUYS MY STUDIO !! unless you've already seen it cuz i talked about it on other socials/in my discord ! but i'll post pics on here later today if i don't forget, or the next time i update if i DO forget . still cooking up some things to add to my site, but it's just nice to have my laptop again ;v; also glad i'm relearning the code stuff and it's not all completely lost/confusing to me lmao

April 2 2024 - sooo yeah the site isn't how i want it ..and it's april now ...when i said it would be done in march LOL ...but that's ok ! i got super caught up in trying to get the visual done for this month (you can watch it on my youtube channel !) and didn't focus on anything other than that for like the past couple weeks, but now i'm going to try to knock some things out for my lil website ! but for now i will accept that this site will be a constant work in progress for quite some time lolol . going to make that more obvious on the homepage now !

- updated the homepage n.n

March 15 2024 - got my online shop up so went ahead and connected the link to it, so now the only button that leads to a dead end is the 'more' button !! everything else works yaaayyy . still have a ways to go with the online shop but it's progress ! and i'm enjoying how it's coming out n.n gotta start buying the products I want to sell, though i'm not sure if that's the next step or if other steps should come before that lol

March 12 2024 - added all the buttons for the connect webpage yaaay ! resizing them was ..interesting, didn't know i'd need to use my calculator to make sure everything stayed the same dimensions . hopefully that's the most i'll do of math-related things LOL . still trying to figure out the go back button on the not found page but at least all the other buttons work . feel like i'm making progress but also not really lmao

- UGHHHHH I FINALLY GOT THE GO BACK BUTTON TO WORK ON THE NOT FOUND PAGE AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA but seriously, not sure why at first the button had the link spirystix.lol/notfound and THEN the index.html, instead of just the index on its own but i got it fixed and that's all that matters (not really sure how to explain this thru text LOL) my boyfriend was right tho, it does feel kinda good to get the stuff fixed but mannnnn it shouldn't have taken that long to sort THAT out . he told me wait until it takes me 4 hrs to figure out why something didn't work HA

March 11 2024 - added a site updates graphic to this page and started sketching out ideas for the buttons and general layout of the site !! will most likely add more graphics and doodles throughout the day but i'm happy with how everything is coming along already yaaaay

- added the support the arts and connect graphics to their respective pages !

- added a go back button image and it was so tricky ngl !! my excitement for figuring it out was short lived when i saw that the go back image doesn't work on the not found screen (the page that you're led to when there's an error/dead end) even tho it works just fine on every other page v.v will try to figure it out tomorrow i guess grrr but today was an informative day

March 8 2024 - put a background color on these lil updates to hopefully make it more readable, also helps me practice stuff with the div tag and things like that ! pretty sure that a big part of what I'll need to do for the site will take place off the site . and by that i mean i'll need to do a good bit of graphic designing lol . maybe i should share pics of the drawings i'm making for the page as i go ! we shall seee

- made the text under the site updates header move, thought it would look nicer that way n.n

February 20 2024 - made all the external links open a new tab instead in the same tab . The link for the newsletter works now that I got that all sorted out tooo

February 19 2024 - trying to figure out CSS stuff like how to put things in containers etc., going ok so far ? my boyfriend told me I would be learning stuff about code alot faster if I watched youtube vids instead of reading articles, but then I'd have to stop listening to music ..wonder if I'll make that huge sacrifice LOL

- added go back buttons to the web pages, realized how annoying it is to drag my mouse aaaaaalll the way to the back button on my browser (god I sound lazy lmaooo) but hopefully it'll be useful for other ppl who come to the site like it is for me !

February 18 2024 - got the connect and support buttons to lead to their own respective pages and have working links for my socials and patreon, started asking myself how in the world am I supposed to add an online store to my site, how will I be able to recieve money from customers in a safe/protected way, etc. bout to look into it lol . can't wait to make the buttons more appealing than just blank squares

February 16 2024 - started adding buttons to the site that currently lead to deadends, except the site updates one, which is where you are right now lol . got a little nervous that the longer I stayed away from learning how to code, the faster I'd forget all the cool things I learned but surprisingly I picked up where I left off pretty fast !

February 7 2024 (or 8th, already can't remember) - spirystix.lol was created ! it wasn't planned to have a new url, but I'd be lying if I said it wasn't more cute this way now lolol . hoping to build a really cool online store then make even cooler world building/personal pages afterwards